3:30 am what a lousy time to be so awake it screws up my schedule so bad…
Anyway, I just wanted to blog something real quick…
I wanted to describe how incredible I feel at the moment
For most people physical pleasure is equated to how one feels after a good meal, a good drink or maybe a cigar. Perhaps having sex or drugs…
It could be that for me as well…but today, right now.. it is the complete absence of pain, control of my body, and simply clear vision.
I woke for whatever reason (my daughters’ damned nagging cough probably, she’s sleeping on the other couch next to me) and noticed how well I feel…
None of the pain that had cursed me for the last several days is present..
The edema in my legs that has kept them burning hot and weepy for days is nearly absent altogether.
It doesn’t hurt to breathe or move or anything.
I can see clearly…I grabbed the awesome little dollar-store bamboo back-scratcher and chased a few elusive itchy spots on my back…(BTW, those little cheapo bamboo scratchers are the best damn dollars I ever spent)
Anyway, I’ll probably feel good like this for an hour, maybe two.. then I’ll be back to the days normal battle with pain and mobility..
The good news is I am getting better at balancing the meds…so long as I keep up on the morphine I am pretty good…Yes I know that probably makes me sound like a junkie or something.
That’s OK I suppose… The med lets me function reasonably in public, and people are allowed the think whatever they like.
Now, if I could just get Mariah over this damned awful cough.
Hey, Stranger
2 months ago
Good to hear your voice.
So glad that you had a "good" moment!!! Praying that they come more and more frequently.
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