this morning was scheduled for Avastin treatment.
for those of you new readers, those unfamiliar with cancer treatment or unfamiliar with my treatment, this is the twice monthly injected "chemo" treatment i am undergoing to slow/stop the growth of the brain stem tumor in my that is trying its hardest to kill me.
the treatment kicks my ass and makes me tired and sore and a host of other highly inconvenient side effects. anyway....
upon arriving, i successfully registered with the girls in the basement and elevator-ed up to the second floor where treatment occurs.
they took blood pressure and temp and weight etc and i proceeded to the room wherein several people sit and funky chairs and receive drugs intravenously...
its a small group of people that see each other because they have similar treatment schedules... all have one sort of life threatening cancer and are in various stages of treatment...
today, to my sad astonishment, i saw a very familiar face. this elegant woman from my distant distant past struck a nerve the moment i saw her.
boys of any age would likely remember the women in his life in the same role...
this woman was my 2nd grade teacher in grade school. Mrs McCain. although my crippled brain had some difficulty recalling her name for a moment, i clearly remember her class.
maybe i am a freak, but i can recall the names of every one of my grade school teachers and most of my high school teachers.
anyway, she only needs visit for treatment every three months now so it will be awhile before i see her again, but she remembered my brother and me well and we had a wonderful chat as we both received life saving treatment.
she retired two years ago as a result of her cancer but she looks and sounds very good.
when we still lived at our old address, my kids attended the same elementary school as my brother and i did so many years ago. my youngest even had the same teacher for third grade that i did for third grade so long ago. wow huh?
once again, its a small small world. we are all... connected. 7-layers?
anyway.. luck to all...
Hey, Stranger
2 months ago
funny where see you people in the weirdest places
Summer is just about here... any plans?
Shut. The Fuck. Up.
Mrs. McCain?!? Jeez, I had a crush on her. I remember her clearly, including the way the tip of her nose would twitch downward when she talked. Holy crap.
Tell her I said hello when you see her again. If she seems up to it, tell her I said it using the F-word in proper context. Eh, maybe not.
Wow, that is bizarre. You just blew my MIND.
And you're not alone. I remember most of my teachers names too, if only to make the most of my eventual shooting spree. Mrs. Hall, Mrs. McCain, Mr. Mandich (top of the spree list, there), Mr. Thomas,
the Professor, Marianne... I dunno. I drink a lot. On a good day, I remember them.
Just like the rest of the world: a few good ones, and a truckload of underqualified, wasted meat.
Mrs. McCain was cool. Although if I remember right, I jokingly threatened to have my cop father arrest her after some minor discipline in her class. Maybe it was someone else. SOMEbody didn't think it was very funny, I distinctly remember that.
Jesus, what a haunted vault my childhood memories are. Did I mention that Mandich, the barely-closeted queer, let all the kids circle around and kick me for running too slow in gym class? Why didn't our parents sue??
So, yeah, thanks for dredging this up. Yeesh, I've become morbid.
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