Just a quick note about today....
Successfully steered out of a pain episode tonight. If I hadn't pulled it off I would have wound up in E.R. The right drugs the right way and ice therapy and mentally chasing the pain away. I know, sounds crazy to some people but if have chronic pain you probly know of what I speak.
I had several offers to come to dinner from friends and family today and the days leading up to now...
Some were fairly unexpected... some from ex-inlaws etc... wow.
Two people brought Thanksgiving Dinner to me as well..tiramasu cheesecake~! pumpkin pie - apple pie - ham - stuffing - more stuffing - ... ohh !!!! I'M STUFFED.
I have more damn food here than I can eat by my self inna week~!
My kids come home from their T-Day visit with their Mom and family Saturday night so I'm alone 'till then. I was nervous about it for a bit, but I'm gettin' better.
I have been bitchy with my kids lately.. letting my condition get the better of me. Being in pain, unable to do things - - walk or bathe very well...it gets to me after awhile.
The girls dont understand. Hell, I dont know if I understand...
Anyway..Plenty to be thankful for today..cant complain...
I hope all your days were as good as mine.
I had pumpkin pie and apple pie..and theres still more pumkin pie and tiramasu cheesecake ~!
Rest well... There are plenty of leftovers to tend to tomorrow... Turkey pot pie usually does well here...Mariah always looks foward to turkey bacon cheddar sandwhiches.
I am both content and uncomfortable...
Are you?
Hey, Stranger
2 months ago