Monday, November 9, 2009

I Wanna new drug ~!

Despite a harrowing, harrowing start outta the gate, I made to Avastin treatment this morning.

My weight is up to 228 again, which pisses me off. Damn steroids are gonna kill me if the gdamn tumor doesn't. Up 30 lbs in 3-4 months. sonofaB.

I am hoping that I get the results from the chemo and avastin so I can reduce or quit the decadron. It is admittedly by all accounts a nasty nasty drug. It ravages my body relentlessly, physically, emotionally, you name it. There are few if any alternatives.

Local oncologist says o.k. to start oral chemo today. It was mailed to me weeks ago prior to my vacation in I.C.U. at the local "hospital", then delayed at the advice of the same oncologist to ensure my body was strong enuf to handle it. Both Avastin and Tremadol have been reported as well received, so I am hopeful.

Avastin and steroids are pushing my blood pressure up to a point where it needs to be managed by yet another drug. ho-hum.

Mariah came home from Bball game with wounds.... I love it. Battle-scars. Drew a foul or two too... No sissy laa-laa girls here... From young age, I taught her how to throw a punch the right way... and that she can defend herself when she has to. I explained that she can always choose to walk away from affray, and she ever strikes first I will own her ASS. She seems to have that judgement well balanced. Just edgy enuf to keep the other girls wondering how far she will go...

I am stoked.

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