Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Judged by 12…

How long has he been in office?

Three events...(four) have put us in a mood. If they haven’t they should have.

One military base, The White House, and most recently...an airplane.(or two)

Two of the criminals have direct connections and contact with fucking Yemen.
They are not "suspects". They are not innocent until proven guilty.
They are guilty and should be treated as such. Criminals of war. Fuck your civil rights bullshit

Each of the transgressions occurred due to human error. Complacency.
The greatest nation on the planet and we're gonna be brought down because some dope is sleeping at the wheel.... (You think I’m talking about one or more of the stooges responsible for each of these sideshows when I could be talking about Mr. Stooge himself.)

Didn't a plane (Northwest 188) just recently miss the freekin' airport it was supposed to land at because the pilots were - what - scratching their asses? ?
( o.k. I have before spoken of my disdain for e-mail forwarding and lazy copy/paste blogging etc. All to often it makes writings bloated and tiring, but I have succumbed to the humor value of certain works and conceded to the voices that I may be a bit neurotic occasionally)

from: http://www.minnpost.com/douggrow/2009/12/16/14364/ntsb_report_heres_how_to_overshoot_an_airport

Remember David Letterman's Top 10 list about the flight?
The top three "pilot excuses'' on the Letterman list were: 3, "According to our map, we only missed target by half-an-inch.'' 2, "For a change, decided to send luggage to the right city and lose the passengers.'' 1, "Thought we saw balloon boy.''

The article later explains the following:
They had to know they were in trouble because traffic control wanted to know if "the cockpit was secure.''
That question was asked on two separate occasions because air officials in both Denver and Minneapolis were discussing whether fighter jets needed to be scrambled to check out what was happening with Flight 188.

OK.. Singularly you might let all these events go by as you rush through your day…

They seem so far away.. Do they really affect me? Dropped the kid at daycare, gassed the car, mailed all the bills…I’m good!

9-11 was so long ago.. far away from me here in CA….

Here's how it affects Y-O-U.

Well, three security breeches set the country on heightened alert…

Some dumb ass pilot asleep at the wheel over shoots his stop and a coupla fighter jets get scrambled…

The co-pilots answer to the control towers question of are u ok?” is garbled and misunderstood because his mouth is full of philly cheese steak samwhich slurping a Coke-cola (the original recipe now known as “Classic”, not the crappy new recipe) while taking his union specified break no matter when or where his fat ass is so the scrambled jet fighter shoots his happy ass outta the sky.

My kid was on that plane.

All that seemingly distant political drama just came home.

That’s why we are there.
That’s why we have to go there.
That’s why we have to be there until it’s done.
This is why have to give them permission to do the job that needs to be done. All too much energy is spent worrying about someone’s or a group of someone’s rights or feelings or whatever.

Someone will die.
Will it be your daughter? Will it be your son?
As a society we have become to comfortable.

We have been sending someone else out to collect chickens and eggs.
We forget that somebody hasta collect eggs and hatchet the chicken.
Feathers get ruffled. It’s OK.

We are still “there” because the job isn’t finished.
It’s ok to break a few eggs.

Don't forget that someone somewhere has to do the jobs you don't want to think about.
Our (your) society won’t function unless they do.
Remember that when you want to complain about one administration or another.
Don’t bind the hands of those that ensure your continue comfort level.

My daughter went to visit a friend this week while she is off school on Christmas break.
She flew to where this friend is.
Although the flight is domestic to domestic, and has different security concerns than something coming from say…YEMEN…But if her pilot “over-shoots” his destination then all those global concerns become of interest inna hurry.

So when the news flashes across the screen of my t.v. about another airline/airport “thing” it gets my attention.
I will feel better when she is home.

BTW, the last “terrorist” purportedly had the liquid explosive sewn into his underwear. THAT takes balls~!

Ramble enuf for ya?


Joe Crawford said...

If you flew 20 times a year you would have a better chance of getting hit by lightning then hurt in a terrorist attack. The fact is this latest lonely, suicidal loser is just that. No amount of expense in Iraq and Afganistan, no increased amount of ever-stupider and less effective airport security will prevent people from being crazy, lonely and suicidal.

Now I hear we're not going to get to MOVE in the last hour of a flight. All this overreaction is bullshit. Don't swallow it. Terrorists are sad losers. Car travel heart disease, both much bigger killers of people yet we don't seem to get near as upset.

Don't let the people who want you scared scared. Fuck em.

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