Thursday, July 24, 2008

My Lovely Lady French Nuerologist just called...

She reviewed my new MRI and is happy with the results...happy with the reduction and is setting a new MRI and office visit for September...(3 month)

We disussed the double vision/blurred vision symptoms and left side pain issues.
Some of the pain meds have vision related side affects, so she recommended follow-up with PCP and pain doc.

Seems I will be wading through symptoms and docs to resolve them one at a time...
I gotta do something to improve the quality of life factor... soon.

I need to go think about stuff...


Tom Bickle said...

I hate to see you suffer like this man. Take your pleasures where you can, and I really hope things start looking up soon.

Joe Crawford said...

Long time no comment from me... Hang in there man!

Jessica (I've survived a brain tumor!) said...

Well, I am so relieved that the issues you've been dealing with aren't tumor related! Yuck - all the meds we are forced to take can do so many nasty things to us... I want your quality of life to get better fast too, but I think that it will.